Sunday, January 12, 2014

Neverending Cycle of Mediocrity and Failure

There's a project I've been working on for a while. Well, maybe "working on" isn't the right way of putting it. Over the years, I have knit probably over 100 pairs of socks, and I thought I needed to do something with the leftovers. Thus began the sock yarn blanket of doom!

I have crocheted a bunch of hexagons and attached them together as I go. But I haven't done any work on this blanket for about 2 years. 

Here is the problem: I get very frustrated by the lack of progress (I am a product knitter, not a process knitter), so I work on it even less, which makes for even less progress and so on and so forth. It truly is a never ending cycle of mediorocity and failure. 

It is just like the piano. I used to take piano lessons as a young girl. When my family moved, and in became more involved with after school activities, I stopped taking lessons. Ever since then, I have wanted to take up the piano again. So I get out my keyboard to practice, and I sound so bad and out of practice that I stop, and then I practice less and less, and when I do practice, it is so bad and there you have it! Another cycle! 

So to try to remedy this situation with the blanket, I am gathering up scrap sock yarn and starting a second section which will later be attached to the first section. I would really like to turn this long term project into a finished object sometime this year. And who knows, maybe I will get that keyboard out again and do a little practicing soon.


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