Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I  am just so happy I need to share.  My never ending leg on the Twisted Flower socks has come to a completion.  The heels have been turned and I am about 1/4 of the way through the pattern for the foot.  This photo was right after the heel was turned and I was working on the decreases.  I am probably going to have to put these socks down until the weekend and work on my plain stockinette socks.  I don't have a recent photo of those.  I am working toe up with an afterthought heel and have just pasted the heel mark.  I put in the heel marker the other night when Josh and I were having the movie portion of our date night.  First time I had seen The Abyss.
Last week Kelly and I went to our local pet store for Pet Easter Bunny Photos.  My 7 month old German Shepherd Bloodhound is not the best at photographing when you want him to do something...i.e. sit in front of the bunny and look at the camera.  He was so distracted by all the other dogs and the kid creeping closer with his dog asking me about Klaus.  After what felt like a lifetime there were two okay photos which he wasn't looking at the camera.  At least it wasn't showing him gnawing on the foot of the bunny.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And The Grays Have It

Last time I said I would get into my ongoing projects and I think that I have all of them.  I recently moved and well have not finished organizing....well anything.  Of course that has not stopped me from casting on a new project or 3.

We will first start with the pretty much finished project of a cowl that is for my adopted soldiers.  his is not a fun color; but, I am restricted on what I can send to them and have it be useful.  It is made out of Patons Classic wool in a color I don't remember.  It is some sort of warm gray.  This is a pattern I came up with and well haven't written down anywhere yet.  I made it long enough to cover the neck to the ears/nose.  To go with the cowl there are fingerless gloves that are not pictured.  I have about a million of ends to weave in and a wash before I can call this finished.

I am seeing a theme here.  A while ago I cast on twisted flowers socks by Cookie A in a warm gray patons sock yarn.  I am a bit further down  than this.  Actually almost through the leg which was two repeats of the pattern shown.  So far I love knitting them.  I only see one issue and that is the leg.  I have not tried them on but they might not fit around my calves.  If that is the case then I will need to find homes for them.  I might end up making the foot a little shorter and gift them to my sister.  This will be decided once I am on the foot.

Now I wont bore you with all of my WIPs.  There are quite a few blankets I have started and are in time out so they have not gotten photographed.  I have at least 3 baby blankets.  Don't ask me about them because it has been a while that I would not be able to tell you much.  Two of them are crocheted and the third is knit and quite cabley.  I like the pattern I was quite tired of the color.  I have my wonderful sock yarn mitered square blanket that I will be working on for ever.  A few blankets that I don't think I will ever finish.  I am working on a crocheted blanket that is not technically mine.  My supervisor's grandmother passed away a year or so ago.  Since I knit and crochet her stash of 70's acrylic and half finished projects were given to me.  I re-purposed a granny square blanket that she started but did not have enough yarn to finish into a large cowl.  Of course I did not get a photo of it.  I have been working on and off on a blue crocheted blanket.  

My hexiflat worsted weight is slow and coming.  I have not taken a new photo because I have a bunch of hexiflats that need to be added to it.

I also began unpacking my yarn!  I have a "extra" closet in my hallway where I decided it would be great to store my yarn.  I have picked up a bunch of the fabric boxes and well decided that I need a few more.  I think I need to reinforce the shelves before I add anymore books.


Sunday, March 1, 2015


Today, I started a new project at knitting. I am working on a Miss Winkle shawl by Martina Behm (my favorite designer). I am using CuppyCake Yarns in the Rainbow Dash colorway. So far, I am liking this shawl. 


Friday, February 13, 2015

I have an unconfirmed case of WIP-itis

I feel that it is time to start up the blog again.  Personally, I have been all over with my knitting this year and have been having a horrible case of WIP-itis.  My cast on has been greater than my cast offs this year.  Since I have moved my knitting organization (or what little I had) has been in limbo.  I have a room where it is all currently stored in totes and well that is about it.  Except for the skew socks sitting in my car and the twisted flower socks in the bedroom.  I also started a worsted weight acrylic eater project AKA the Hexiflat Blanket.  Even though I have just started I have already lost 2 sets of bamboo knitting needles.  The puppy, Klaus, has found the joys of knitting.  This weekend I am also going to look into ways to repair knitting needles so I can have a backup.  Luckily, there are only a few gnaw marks.
